List of statutory minimum employment leave by country

In most industrialised nations, advances in employee relations have seen the introduction of statutory minimum tariffs for employee leave from work, i.e. the amount of entitlement to paid holiday/vacation. Several companies will offer contractually more time, depending on the sector. Companies and the law may also differ as to whether national holidays are counted as part of the minimum leave. Disparities in national minimums are still subject of debate regarding Work-life balance and perceived differences between nations.

Country Legally required minimum leave
Argentina 14 calendar days (from 0 to 5 years seniority), 21 calendar days (from 5 to 10), 28 calendar days (from 10 to 20) and 35 calendar days (from 20)
Australia 4 weeks standard, plus 10 public holidays. 5 weeks for shift-workers (those regularly rostered across a 7 day week). 2 weeks can be "sold" to employer (cashed-out). Additional Long service leave is also payable.
Austria 5 weeks
The Bahamas 14 days after 1 year employment, 21 day after 5 years employment
Belgium 20 days, premium pay, plus 12 public holidays
Brazil 30 consecutive days after 1 year employment, of which 10 can be sold back to the employer
Bulgaria 20 working days and up to 12 days national and public holidays
Canada Determined by provincial law. 14–28 working days depending on province and tenure of employment. In addition, 5–10 public holidays depending on province.[1]
Chile 15 working days
China 5 working days (from 1 to 9 years seniority), 10 working days (from 10 to 19), 15 working days (from 20 years onwards).
Colombia 15 working days for every year, vacations can be accumulated for up to 4 years (up to 60 working days of vacations)
Costa Rica 2 weeks after 1 year employment.
Croatia 20 working days. Saturdays can be included even if company offices are not open on Saturdays. This is left for employers and employees to agree.
Cyprus 20 working days of leave for workers on a five-day week and 24 working days of leave for workers on a six-day week over a period of one year's employment.
Czech Republic 4 weeks
Denmark 25 work days, plus 9 public holidays
Dominican Republic 14 work days after one year employment, 20 work days after 5 years employment.
Estonia 28 calendar days (public holidays not included), unless employer and employee agree over a longer vacation; up to 56 calendar days for selected education and science professionals (determined by government decree).
Ecuador 14 days
Finland 5 weeks (30 days with Saturdays, but not Sundays counted as holidays) is the minimum mandated by law. More precisely: vacation is accrued between April to March each year and used primarily during the following summer holiday period. During each such full period 2.5 vacation days are accrued per month. When taking up a new job, only 2 days are accrued until the start of the first full period. Many trade unions have been able to agree for more vacation time for their profession
France 5 weeks[2] (+ 2 weeks of RTT (Reduction du Temps de Travail, in English : Reduction of Working Time) for the employees that choose to work 39 hours per week instead of 35), plus about 10 national holidays (usually not paid with the exception of the 1st of May). For public employees and some companies like Orange, the total is of 9 paid vacation weeks (5 weeks of vacation + 4 weeks of RTT)
Germany 4 working weeks (24 workdays for a 6-day-workweek; 20 work days for the standard 5-day-workweek), plus 9 to 13 bank holidays.[3]
Greece 20 working days or more depending on the years in the company
Guatemala 2 working weeks
Hong Kong 7 days[4]
Hungary 20 working days (increasing up to 30 with age)
Iceland 24 days[5], not including 13 official holidays.
Ireland 4 working weeks (20 days if working full time), plus 9 public holidays
Iran 4 weeks
India 1 work day for every 20 days worked (around 12 work days a year)[6]
Israel From 10 working days for the first year to 24 days for 14th year and on, not including official holidays, sick leave, etc.
Italy At least 20 working days (exact amount depends on contract details, a few contracts guarantee up to 25 days), entirely paid, plus up to 104 hours of ROL, that means reduction of working time (in Italian Riduzione Orario di Lavoro), that have to be used primarily in blocks of a few hours each time for family/personal needs (for example bringing a kid to the doctor, going to the bank etc.) but may be utilized as well, just for the unused part of them and just if the company/the collective contract allows that, to get additional vacation hours/days, or to shorter of 1 or 2 hours the working day on Fridays. Furthermore, there are 12–13 paid public holidays.
Japan From 10 working days for the first year to 20 days for the 6th year.[7]
Jersey 2 weeks[8]
Kazakhstan 24 calendar days[9]
Korea, South 10 working days
Latvia 4 weeks
Lithuania 28 calendar days.[10]
Luxembourg At least 25 working days; 10 public holidays.[11]
Malaysia Starts at 8 days for first 2 years employment with an employer. Increases to 12 days for between 2 and 5 years employment and 16 days for 5 or more years. Plus, depending on which state, around 14 public holidays.
Malta 24 working days (192 hours)
Mexico Starts at minimum 6 days for the 1 year of employment. Increases to 8 days after the second year, to 10 days after the third year, 12 days after the fourth year, and to 14 days from year 5 to year 9; then every 5 years increases two days.
Namibia 21 consecutive days, or 1.75 days for every 1 month worked, plus 14 days paid public Holidays. Some companies do increase leave amounts, depending on how long the employee has worked at the company.
Netherlands 4 weeks plus 9 public holidays
New Zealand 4 weeks as of April 1, 2007, plus 11–12 paid public holidays, depending on which day they fall.
Norway 25 working days
Pakistan 15 working days
Paraguay 14 days
Panama 30 consecutive days plus 10 paid public holidays.
Peru 14 days
Philippines 5 days, rendered at least 1 year of service is entitled to a yearly service incentive leave.
Poland 20 working days (to 10 years of employment) and 26 working days (after 10 years of employment) in 5-days-workweek. Plus 13 days of the public holidays.
Portugal 22 working days, up to 25 without work absences in previous year.
Puerto Rico 15 days
Romania 21 working days
Russia 28 calendar days (52 in extreme north regions) {for militaries 30/45 days except for drafted}, plus 12 public holidays (they neither count nor pay)[12] There is the 10-nonbankdays streak in January (6 of them are holidays).
Serbia 20 working days minimum (effectively 4 weeks, law defines working week as 5 working days for purpose of paid vacation), plus 9 bank holidays and up to two more days depending on religion of employee.
Saudi Arabia 30 days
Singapore For regular employees, 7 days with 1 additional day per year up to a maximum of 14 days. No statutory minimum leave for seamen, domestic workers, or employees in managerial or executive positions.[13]
Slovakia 20 days, 25 days after 15 years of employment
Slovenia 20 working days of leave and 13 public holidays.
South Africa 21 consecutive days, or 1 day for every 17 days worked, or 1 hour for every 17 hours worked,[14] not including 12 public holidays.[15] Regular workers may take a further 3 days of family responsibility leave.[16] Leave legislation does not apply to members of the National Defence Force, National Intelligence Agency, South African Secret Service or unpaid volunteers working for a charity.
Spain 22 work days, not including 14 public holidays.[17] (It is important to note that the workday in Spain totals nine hours: eight hours of work plus one lunch hour.)
Sri Lanka 28 working days: 14 maximum annual, 7 casual, and 7 sick leave.[18]
Sweden 25 work days minimum
Switzerland At least 20 work days, plus 12–16 public holidays (some of which always fall on a Sunday)
Taiwan 7 days
Tanzania 28 calendar days
Thailand 6 calendar days[19]
Turkey 12 work days
Tunisia 30 work days
Ukraine 24 calendar days
United Kingdom 5.6 weeks (28 work days), including 8 public holidays[20]
United States None.[21] Certain employers, including those with 50 or more employees in a locale and public sector employers, must give up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave for personal or family illness, or for the birth or placement of a child.[22]
Uruguay 20 working days (from 0 to 5 years seniority), 21 calendar days (from 5 to 8). Afterwards, an additional working day is added every four years.[23]
Venezuela 15 paid days for the first year and 1 day extra for every year of service up to 30 days. In addition, a maximum of 12 public holidays provided every holiday falls on a weekday.
Vietnam 10 working days.


  1. ^ HRSDC "Minimum requirements for annual vacations"
  2. ^ TA: Vacation time France, United States
  3. ^
  4. ^ An employee is entitled to annual leave with pay after having been employed under a continuous contract for every 12 months. "Chapter 4: Rest Days, Holidays and Leaves". A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance. Labour Department, Government of HKSAR. Retrieved 2009-09-06. 
  5. ^ Icelandic law on employment leave
  6. ^ Section 78 of the 1948 Factories Act
  7. ^ Japan Labor Standards Act
  8. ^
  9. ^ Kazakhstan Labour Code, Art. 101
  10. ^
  11. ^
  12. ^, chapters 114 and 155 or (Russian).
  13. ^ Employment Act (Cap. 91), Sections 2 and 43
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^ Shop and Offices Act: [1]
  19. ^ Section 30 of the Thai Labour Protection Act (1998) [2]
  20. ^ Frequently Asked Questions - BERR
  21. ^ US law does not require employers to grant any vacation or holidays and about 25% of all employees receive no vacation time or holidays: No-Vacation Nation. For employees that do receive vacation, 10 working days with 8 national holidays is fairly standard. Members of the US Armed Services earn a total of 30 vacation days a year, not including national holidays.
  22. ^ Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 [3].
  23. ^ Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (Uruguay) - Régimen de Licencia [4]